Art by hen’ in collaboration with Nitesh.
At hen’ we believe thoughtful transformation and unraveling of perspectives sit at the cross line of dialogue and art. It emphasizes on breaking barriers through honest dialogues and powerful imagery.
"Words are events, they do things, change things."- Ursula K. Le Guin
Vision to victory

Your journey begins with a vision—your vision. What do you want to create in your life? What’s holding you back? What dreams light you up? What is your one big miracle? Together, we’ll uncover these answers and set out on a transformative journey, using powerful tools, mindset shifts, and proven strategies I’ve honed through the guidance of the world’s most respected mentors.

1:1 Coaching

I believe in the power of one-on-one coaching because it delivers the most profound results. With my full, unlimited support, you’ll embark on a personalised journey tailored specifically to your needs. It’s said that it takes just 66 days to form habits that last a lifetime, and I offer three tailored programs to guide you:

66 Days: Fresh Start – A powerful reset to jumpstart your transformation.

132 Days: Growth Journey – Deepen your progress and solidify your growth.

264 Days: Evolution Path – For those committed to profound, lasting change.

Ready to turn your vision into reality? Reach out below, and let’s start the conversation that could change your life.

What they say

I deeply appreciated working with Hen'a, exploring my need for emotional connection & safety. I loved how she made me tap deep into my core values, needs and feelings. She really helped me get in touch with my internal voice and her very loving and nurturing demeanour made me feel completely safe & heard. Henna helped me see that my fear of desertion and loneliness was deeply anchored into my own lack of self-worth. Over the weeks of us working together I learned to pause, check in with myself more, to act more aligned with my own needs and values and improved my communication with those around me. I started seeing myself, appreciating what I saw, nurturing it with kindness and with that came a feeling of peace. The emotional connection & safety that I had been craving all along was internal. Now I can confidently say that "No matter what, I will be okay" because I know that what I need is right here within me. - Mina

Henna has a very calming and peaceful presence and this very quality of hers helped me to fearlessly explore my inner self. She provided me with a safe space with her style of questioning. - Ritu J

When I started the sessions, I was in a state of confusion. I felt so stuck in my life and did not know what steps I would take next. I was in an overwhelming feeling of failure, despair and profound sadness. Right away, Hen’a's approach was benevolent, luminous and reassuring, which put me in total ease. I felt safe to express all my emotions that were ranging from getting out painful traumas literally stuck in my throat, to lots of crying episodes. Her patience and soothing words helped me to carry on with the session through my tears. Hen’a's skilful approach, through her questions helped me get to the core of my traumas. these moments were many breakthroughs’ moments. From the very first session, I experienced these breakthroughs!
It must have been challenging to often hear me go on a tangent with my trail of thoughts and feelings, but Hen’a always helped me get back to the core issue of my sufferings. From that point, through breakthroughs or realisations, I started to build a new strong base in which my previous self-sabotaging beliefs would lose their grips on me. As Rome wasn't built in a day, it takes many sessions to reinforce this new base and even if in the following sessions I would come up with a new subject to worry about, thanks to Hen’a's outstanding wisdom , I would come to realise that every cause of suffering stemmed from the same core trauma and that this is what I would have to address to drastically change my life for the better and achieve my dreams.
I am forever thankful to Hen’a for having helped me to find the core reason of all my sufferings. From this point I am building a new solid authentic base. I really value my life and who I am now. - Maeva

Working with Hen'a has enlightened my life and given personal awareness to an extent I hadn't realised I was missing. I benefit daily from the realisations I was able to gain with Hen'a's calm focus and nurturing skills. Her ability to sensitively remind me to re-ground and assist me to give myself permission to dig deeper and clear the "noise" allowed me to recognise more healing and power in growth I had thought was complete. I continue to benefit daily from the increased strength this has given me. I'm happier, healthier, and more free to own my emotions; Living with peace is an immeasurable gift. - Jennifer

Hen’a is an incredibly grounded, intuitive, and beautiful woman who listens and responds with insight and grace. In only knowing her a short while, I was instantly comfortable to share. I would absolutely recommend Hen’a as a coach. She will listen and guide you giving gorgeous energy. May she be there for you, as she has for me. - R Ward