Art by hen’ in collaboration with Nitesh.
At hen’ we believe thoughtful transformation and unraveling of perspectives sit at the cross line of dialogue and art. It emphasizes on breaking barriers through honest dialogues and powerful imagery.
"Words are events, they do things, change things."- Ursula K. Le Guin
Why me?

Discomfort is not just a hurdle; it’s a necessary prerequisite for any meaningful transformation. It reveals where true growth lies. It’s through this lens that I’ve rediscovered joy and fulfillment. After 20 years of creating iconic spaces, I realised that while my designs were flawless, my inner world was in disarray. I had mastered the art of crafting beautiful exteriors, but inside, I felt like something was missing. I was beginning to feel lost. The relentless pursuit of success had silenced my true self, buried my emotions, and left me running from one distraction to the next. But that void led me to a powerful revelation: true transformation starts from within, it’s clearly an inside job.

Now, I’ve made it my mission to help other creative professionals like you achieve the same breakthrough. I’ve walked the path of radical self-reconstruction, and I’m here to coach you through your own journey. Together, we’ll turn discomfort into a doorway to growth, transforming challenges into powerful catalysts for change.

I specialise in the art of embracing discomfort—not as something to fear, but as a friend that reveals where true transformation lies. By facing it head-on, we’ll unlock new levels of resilience, insight, and personal growth. My approach is about turning unease into your greatest ally, helping you find strength and lasting comfort within.

While I continue to design luxurious outer spaces—, hotels, restaurants and more—now my true passion also includes designing the inner landscapes of your life. I’m not just an exterior interior designer; I love designing inner lives. I’m your partner in crafting a life that’s as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside.